President of France
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He claims to have once dined with the president of france .
Edouard Molinaro 's death was announced by the president of France .
There was also a happy visit to this country by the President of France .
I 'm not at all an active feminist , trills the wife of the former president of France .
1969-Charles de Gaulle resigns as President of France .
The last chance of bringing needed change rests on the shoulders of Fran OIS Hollande , the newly elected president of France .
Of course , a national front candidate is not likely to be elected president of France under any system , including first past the post , because voters cast strategic ballots .
Angela Merkel , German chancellor , and Nicolas Sarkozy , president of France , believe so-called sovereign funds sometimes buy European companies for political and other reasons .
When Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of France in 2007 , he quietly encouraged the idea that he was the French version of Mrs Thatcher .
Jacques Chirac , the former president of France , has been convicted for misusing public funds when he was mayor of Paris in the 1990s .
Across the Channel , meanwhile , Nicolas Sarkozy , the former ( and possibly future ) president of France , has called for the repeal of the Schengen rules that have dismantled frontier controls within the EU .
We are in a streetside restaurant in Paris , the " Bistro Chirac ", swheresthe tall , haughty waiter with his nose stuck up in the air looks a bit like the president of France himself .
After Jacques Chirac was elected President of France in May , 1995 , he adjusted the diplomatic policy of France primarily in accordance with the new characteristics and the developing tendency of the international situation on the basis of the all-round summarization of historic experience and lessons .
President Sarkozy of France cautioned recently : If the euro explodes , Europe would explode .
Both President Sarkozy of France and Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , speak of a Europe that " protects " .
After his visit to the site , President Chirac of France said that a visit to Egypt will not be complete without seeing the pyramids , and that a visit to China will not be complete without seeing the terracotta warriors .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has called on Colonel Qaddafi to resign , a step that Mr.
Similar concerns underpinned the 2008 launch of a commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France even enthused : The G20 foreshadows the planetary governance of the 21st century .
At a meeting with Angela Merkel , the German chancellor , President Nicolas Sarkozy of France said Europe had already invested a lot for the recovery .
The new Euro-Mediterranean pact has been championed by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France , which took over the rotating European Union presidency this month .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has called on the United Nations Security Council to endorse a draft resolution , authorising a no-fly zone over Libya .
The most resounding defence of the euro came on Thursday from President Nicolas Sarkozy of France , who insisted the politicians of Europe would never let it fail .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France triggered a furore earlier this week when he suggested Switzerland be blacklisted as a non-co - operative tax haven .
Calls for concerted international action on climate change stepped up over the weekend as President Jacques Chirac of France urged world leaders to redouble their efforts on greenhouse gas emissions .
The donors meeting was hosted by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France , who announced his country would more than double reconstruction aid to Afghanistan to nearly $ 165 million between 2008 and 2010 .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is to push for a more assertive European Union exchange-rate policy towards China this autumn to try to shore up ailing exporters hit by the strong euro .
At the Brussels summit , President Nicolas Sarkozy of France , the current European Union president , stressed the need for a coordinated EU response to the bloc 's economic problems as well as its financial ones .
It is the Saudi king who advocates a military strike on Iran . It is a senior adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France who describes the Iranian government as " fascist " .
First , the US made an effort to re - engage diplomatically with the continent ; then more Atlanticist leaders emerged such as President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany .